Daily Affirmation - Who I am in Christ

Too often we let past words, wounds and negative experiences dictate the way we see ourselves. One of the best tools to rebuild our self-worth is speaking God’s word over ourselves, until we identify more with what He says about us than what the world around us has said. This daily affirmation is not about puffing up your self-esteem. It is about becoming rooted in how God sees you. Your worth comes from Whose you are, not who you are. There is nothing God deems as more valuable than you. After all, scripture tells us that God created man in His image (Genesis 1:27) and that He sent his only son to die on the cross so that we could be reconciled to Him both now and for eternity (John 3:16). I encourage you to download and recite the provided affirmation over yourself out loud every morning. Why out loud? Because when you actually hear the Word of God spoken over yourself, the words resonate in a deeper part of your heart than you would experience just by silently reading them. I pray that this daily activity richly blesses you.

Daily Affirmation - Waves Be Still

Do you find yourself struggling with anxious thoughts? Do you have a hard time calming your mind when your circumstances feel out of control? God is sovereign over everything, even when it seems chaos is swirling all around us. Download the free affirmation and speak God's truth over yourself out loud on a daily basis, until His words supersede your fears.