My telehealth journey began out of necessity. Over time, numerous people had read my book and were seeking additional therapeutic support from me or were seeking a Christian grief counselor but lived too far away to drive to my location. I wanted to help those who were contacting me but driving distance was often a barrier. I had to make a way; it was where my heart was. This is how I became a telehealth provider. I truly appreciate the opportunity that technology provides for me to connect with, and provide counseling services for, clients throughout the entire state of Texas. I also value that when our session is complete, my clients do not have to drive home; they just log off. They are already in the comfort of their own home and are able to immediately reflect-on and decompress-from the processing that occurred in session without having to get back in their car. And you just can't beat the flexibility of the scheduling. A one-hour telehealth counseling session really only takes one hour because there's no additional drive time to an office. Before this experience I did have a counseling office with the warm comfy couch and fluffy pillows, and I thought switching to telehealth would be a difficult adjustment for both myself and my clients, but the feedback I receive is that they still feel like we are in the same room together. So what do you actually see during a telehealth session? You see me on a zoomed in camera with a headset. This is not a telephone session; it is a video counseling session that you can have from your computer or phone. I currently use Doxy for my sessions, which is a link l send you, not an app you have to download.