The Idol of Efficiency

I am affected, but is Christ being reflected...

 Banging my pencil on my brown wooden work desk, I let out a deep sigh. The agenda for my day was demanding and my time pressed. I had just been transferred to the fifth customer service representative and the clock on my work phone taunted me with how long this process had already taken. 

What should have been accomplished in ten minutes was easily devouring the bulk of my morning. As my agitation continued to rise, I had several choice words running through my head. My optimistic outlook was overshadowed by my frustration. I realized in that moment how very much I prized being productive and that unnecessary idleness was a highly unattractive way for me to spend my time. 

Thankfully, God is faithful to convict me when my heart wonders astray. In an instant, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that He is more concerned about my character than my productivity. God is not impressed with how colorful my spreadsheets are or how quickly I finalize a work project. God is concerned about who I am becoming and how I am behaving in the process. 

"Help me exhibit Christ-like behavior in the process," I cried out to Him. 

My desire to glorify God in the wait and in the interaction I was about to have with the fifth customer service representative became more important to me than being efficient. This quote, "Help me exhibit Christ-like behavior in the process," has been taped across the top of my computer screen ever since. 

This is my daily reminder to use adverse circumstances as a way to grow my character and look for opportunities to glorify God in every moment. 

It also serves as a reminder that idols do not always present themselves in obvious ways such as a shiny golden calf, but sometimes subtly sneak in as a disordered priority beckoning us to focus more of our energy on how we are affected rather than how God is being reflected.